Saturday 20 August 2011

Pirates of the currybean and more

Monday night we had our curry night and made £400 not a fortune but money to go into our coffers for wenches. Yesterday was a nice day we recieved 100 dog tags free of charge from Top Range outdoor clothing and a big long phone call from the Daily express with an invite to write 10 paragraphs about the walk. So its all done and we shall see what comes of it. I am now moving house and wont be blogging for about a week.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Two in one day

Golly gosh 2 posts in one day what am I thinking of? well we have our Big Curry so wanting to be a good citizen I ordered a big load of meat from a local family butchers, why give corporations our hard earned cash? 2pm it hadnt arrived, 3pm they said he has it on the van and it just coming out with it. 4pm all phones turned off including drivers mobile.
ergo- saturday night spent searching the internet and making appeal on local radio for a butcher willing to open tomorrow sunday to sell me enough beef to do the curry. As for the original butcher well after 15years he has lost my custom forever. They wonder why small shopkeepers are closing at a rate of knots Grrrrr

Bad blogger

Bad Blogger is to be my new name haha I just have no time so very sorry slap my legs. Right what have I to tell you? well at last our admin document is finished and ready to go out, I might go to Fallinbostel Germany to the camp with Miss Cookie Monstar who is performing for the troops it will be so much fun.Wonderful P&O Ferries have donated over £2,000 worth of travel to us well done P&O and thank you. Top of the Range clothing and survival gear from Tadcaster have supplied us with 100 dog tags which I will get stamped with wenches 2011 all our ladies will get them on the conclusion of the walk.
I will be moving next week to the house on the beach mmmm
I only have lavatories on my mind now as I still need to hear back from the portaloo hire company in france.
Now to raise a lot of money as time is getting short.