Thursday 30 June 2011

Happy Day

Went for lunch with Suzanna to the Tolcarne Inn it was so nice we really enjoyed our day out. When I got home I switched my computer on and there was the email I have been waiting for for weeks for. The mayor of Mailly Maillet said he is waiting to welcome me and my ladies to his village in October. Its great to get his endorsement at long last. I have invited him and his family to our Big Curry on the Somme on the saturday night of the walk. I am so happy happy happy it is such a big weight off my mind.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Sad day in the west country

I wasnt going to blog today but feel I have to. We here in Penzance celebrate if thats the word Armed forces day in July not June like the rest of the world, this is because the town celebrates a pagan festival on the said weekend. Not an ancient festival but one dreamed up 21 years ago by one of the ageing hippies who seem to control our social lives in Penzance they have their nasty fingers and hairy jumpers in every available pie.

Friday 24 June 2011

Fab Friday

I always love Fridays I go to the office to deal with any mail that might have come in then I go to McDonalds and get a Mcmuffin and a coffee.
Then the highlight of my week at Gwithian beach I meet everyone from Surf action and listen to how their week  has been I talk about my week as well.
The mix is wonderful there we have guys with PTSD
Combat vets with amputations
over 50s with health problems in fact all types and they are all enjoying their Fridays as well these days. Surf action is a charity who take people surfing and do beach activities they are a fab organisation run by the delightful Rich and the amazing Russ Pierre. I didnt stay long today but its always worth it as its a good place to network and put our vets in touch with the right people.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Thursday the day before Friday

Another fab day lots of stuff happening for us, Im not allowed to say just yet but trust me its great news. Had Suzanna a new volunteer in the office today very pleasant really nice.
Things coming together like nobodies business this week I shall welcome saturday for the rest. Many more phone calls to make yet before today is done so I shall oil my finger and get to it.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

wonderful wednesday

At last I have heard back from France and its great news I have got what I wanted and that was a free field in Mailly Maillet to camp all my ladies and soldiers in. Thank you to the Mayor and thank you Jackie Bedford for making this happen. I can now get on with planning in a deeper vein than I have been doing of late. Our admin document will be completed by the end of the month, my battlefield guides and Bernie god love them will be going to do a final recce and tweak the itinery then all that remains is to raise some much needed dosh. I admit a weekend camping in northern France in october is not my idea of heaven but last time I did it in February in the snow so this should be a doddle. Get fundraising people please.

wonderful new add by Tracey our artist and all round good pal

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Ruby Tuesday

I wish I was ruby tuesday haha, started early today got the emails done and dusted by 0800hrs leaving me free to do other things like sitting drinking tea with the car park attendant and catching up on village gossip its amazing how much one misses through going to work. Anyway Im up to speed now so I have no need to worry about missing anything.Had a phone call from a Major someone from somewhere so yet another piece of jigsaw is fitted in. If only the French side would get their collective  derrieres into gear. Well many phone calls to make I might blog again later if today turns out to be fantastic if not see you tomorrow as usual.

Monday 20 June 2011

monday meeting

Left home at 0600hrs got home at 1800hrs. But it was worth it we had a meeting for wenches it was brilliant lots of creases ironed out cracking lunch provided by our Colonels wife.There isnt a lot to say but positive vibes all round. Nice long convo with bernie tonight she sure gets stuff done quickly.
Many emails to send so must get off and get them done.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Roll on Monday

Sundays do my head in most of the time, everywhere is closed and people dont answer their work phones. Its so frustrating as I dont have weekends which suggests I need to get a life - Iv got one honest. I have just had a phone call from Santosh my dear  Gurkah  friend in Folkestone offering to do some fundraising for wenches how very kind of him. My oppo Lynn Hyett had a productive weekend at the Signals reunion Blandford Forum she is fab networker.
Had one email back from france it wasnt what I wanted to hear but hey what can I do about it. Early start tomorrow meeting in plymouth with our Colonel, and Sgt Major Bentley things should be clearer then.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Sunny saturday

well I messed today up royally, Got up had breakfast picked my emails up sitting here in the window sun shining on me it made me feel sleepy so I moved the laptop and myself over to the sofa zzzzzzz 1pm wake up crick in neck nothing done sun disappearing to make way for rain. Local shop thinks I have gone away so sold my saturday paper (the only one I buy as it lasts me 7 days)
I was going to bleach my roots today but think maybe I will leave well alone as they might turn green. I think today is for doing nothing so I will close this machine down and continue tomorrow.

Thursday 16 June 2011

waiting and waiting

Still waiting for my calls from France and maybe one from This Morning which would be great. I would love to be able to tell schofe all about us I think we would get good corporate sponsorship out of it.
This is a tiny blog today as im busy chasing sponsors and mini buses

Wednesday 15 June 2011

A Flat Day

I hate days like this when nothing really good happens to push the project forward, Andy Reid rang me and said he had spoken to Dave at the Sun newspaper and he (dave) had said he would do an article for us and also meet us in France to cover the end of the walk. So between Louise from Radio city and Dave hopefully we will get good coverage. Cookie Monstar is hopefully going on This Morning and Loose women that will be a great boost for us. I have been dispensing Guinness and sympathy tonight as my poor old Gareth buried his dad yesterday and returned from wales tonight so that was an excuse to go to the pub for the evening.Roll on Thursday and fingers crossed it brings me the news I am waiting for.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Loving my Tuesday

I have had a lovely day away from wenches and computers oh and phones. Went to my friend Christina's today for lunch and gossip in her fabulous lodge house in the forest. We had a banquet with lots of little ginger cats running around trying to help us eat it all. I met her long lost brother Leslie he was lovely his boyfriend Leon was even lovlier. Anyway back to wenches in trenches tomorrow.

Monday 13 June 2011

Monday Monday

I love Mondays regardless of what Bob Geldoff told us anyway what does he know. I have had a really flat weekend I just want this project to come together I am so stressed its unbelieveable. Still waiting for emails and calls from France.But nice news from North Hampshire so it all balances out.
The weather here has picked up somewhat so maybe my mood will follow it hopefully.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Rainy sunday

Well I pray the weather isnt like this when we go to France I was imagining this morning what it will be like if it pours with rain and the answer is MISERABLE so if you cant take the rain pull out now before its too late because the walk will go ahead whatever the weather dont forget ladies we are British.
I had a bit of a confidence knock on Saturday re the walk hence no blog but I am  back to normal today. I am just waiting for two pieces of correspondence from France then I will sleep easier.Nice chat with Karen from Belgium last night this is truly becoming an International event. Well must go an cheer my two cycling friend Terry and Matt as they come through my village on a sponsored bike ride.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Nice to be back

Sorry I havnt been blogging I have been so busy with the walk lots to do. We have some good people come on board with us and are getting good publicity. I am tweeting facebooking and generally dreaming about it all. Yesterday I talked to British forces radio about wenches in trenches. Our web site is up and running and getting plenty of hits. I still need at least one more mini bus if anyone out there can help. I bless the day Bernadette offered her help little did I know just how good she really was she knows everyone. Thanks B.
Bed for me as i have stand outside Morrisons store tin rattling tomorrow. Goodnight all you wenches and wench watchers out there.
web address